Hi! I´m Babette Teschen
I was born in Hannover in 1968. My sister and I lived with our single Dad in Oldenburg until I was 10 years old. I was sent to boarding school at Marienau near Lüneburg at age 9, when my Dad passed away. Fortunately, this boarding school kept ponies, and I spent every free minute with them. They were my consolation, my joy, and my main purpose in life.
Among those school ponies was Britta, a “difficult” Norwegian Fjord mare. She could not be caught in the pasture, she kicked and bit, and sometimes reared at us kids threateningly, when we went into the paddock. Britta was a real problem horse, so when she became sick with choke, she was supposed to be put down. I could avert this fate by tearfully begging and pleading and promising to take care of her. During our time together the nasty mare became a lovely pony lady, and we spent many happy years together. After I finished high school I bought Britta and kept her on my farm for the rest of her life.
Britta showed me that sometimes boundless love can be enough to turn a problem horse into a trusted friend. Today, I ask myself how I could have done this back then, without my current knowledge of horse psychology, groundwork, and other ways to help a problem horse.
Today, I know that love alone is seldom enough.
Over the years I have taken a good look at various kinds of riding methods and horse keeping. I chose whatever seemed best for me and my horses. My training as a naturopathic and animal practitioner still helps me to see and treat the horses’ problems from a different viewpoint. From 1996 to 2014 I kept horses in a natural open stable setting at my farm near Lüneburg. I worked for many years as riding instructor and trainer. I corrected problem horses, and rehabilitated injured horses. I gave clinics for lunging, groundwork, circus arts, riding, and equine body work.
I met Tania Konnerth in 2007 and we became friends. In 2008 we started the website “Wege zum Pferd” (A Path to the Horse). It became one of the most successful websites for horse lovers in German speaking countries. We wrote several online courses together, most successful among them the Lunging Course. We want to show people another way of training and working with horses, without pressure and force.
Our books and online courses:
The great success of the online Lunging Course created a growing demand for clinics. So, I decided to sell my farm and travel through Europe to teach the Lunging Course in person.
Now I spend most of the year traveling in my RV through the German speaking countries of Europe, together with my partner, Lars, and our dog, Sugar.
I teach clinics mostly for the Lunging Course, but also long reining, clicker training, and riding.
Lars manages our trips, and valiantly drives for countless kilometers. At the clinics he makes everything run smoothly and takes very good care of our two- and fourlegged clients.